Sabado, Mayo 7, 2016


     The time has come when the truth will need to be revealed.  The last days mean the coming forth of the seducers, the mockers, the Antichrists; and the Dragon, the Beast and the False Prophet.  In a more serious tone it is even the day when the man who started being spiritual ends up being perfect in the flesh.  It is a scary scenario, indeed.
    The present situation of the world is the manifestation of such prophecy.  Men have become lovers of the flesh than lovers of the spirit.  Yea, many teachers nowadays proclaim they are even God himself. 
    Some  even claim to be the son of God come in the flesh. Some would project themselves to be the reincarnation of Apollos who is remembered as mighty in scriptures going around preaching that Jesus is the Christ along with the lawyer named Zenas.  These, to name a few, is just an example of the rise of the false prophets around whole world. The Lord God rebuke them all!

    If these people were of God  then they would have known the doctrine, the gospel, the mysteries, and the truth which is of the Spirit.  The Spirit is one of the three that bear witness here on earth together with the water and the blood while the Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost bear record in heaven and will come down from heaven.  

    How can these people claim to be the one sent by God when they are void of the power and the spirit? The power is on exorcising the unclean spirit inside everyone, the washing, the sanctification and the justification in the Spirit.  The just one will never resist the time of evil according to the will of God just as Jesus Christ never resist evil when the plan of God for him to be crucified came.  

    The Holy Ghost will be sent down who is the other comforter for the sons of God; but, before this happens, Jesus Christ's coming must first come to pass.  Jesus must come first then the outpouring of the Holy Ghost just like the pentecost at Galilee.  He is the minister of the spirit for the ministraton is of the spirit and not of the word.  

    Be wary for the wise man without the spirit is not of God. His wisdom is not of God for it will surely not be according to the will and purpose of God.  The difference is in the spirit and nothing else.  

    How will any man, therefore, discern the spirit if he is not trained to discern the holy spirit from the profane spirit?  A man who is not able stop from his evil imagination is already deceived. 

    Not even when  man is already with the church of the true God would he be so complacent as to hear only the word and not do it.  Doing this is tantamount to hardening your heart and hardening your heart is deceiving your ownself. Comparing this spiritual experience with the spiritual, that is, Christian church during the advent of the apostles many have left the faith and have fallen into the snares of the devil.  In short, it is not because you are with Jesus or with the apostles so called church of the firstborn that you are guaranteed of your salvation.
    Moving on, truly, the mode of warfare of the WICKED ONE is deception and it is no wonder why Satan himself will transform as an angel of light.  This saying do not mean that we will be seeing Satan coming as an angel but it means that he will come in a form of a Godly man teaching and preaching subtly the word coming from the bible.  

   His teaching, however, will never be according to the purpose, will, intent, time and judgment of God, hence, the words he will use to preach, though it be a word from the holy scriptures, is actually a BIG LIE!

   The catch here is that he will not teach the fear of the Lord in order for a man not to commit sin against God.  He will neither teach the judgment of God so that a man might be corrected and perfected unto good works, nor, will be able to rightly divide the word of God.  Yea, they abhor guilt which is actually the work of the spirit to a man being admonished and taught not to do such sin again.  He cannot even speak about the mysteries of the spirit which is prophesied to be revealed.  Guilt is the work of the spirit to a spiritually healthy man so that he may change his ways.  The solution to this guilt thing is in keeping the commandment.

Ecclesiastes 8:5 Whoso keepeth the commandment shall feel no evil thing: and a wise man's heart discerneth both time and judgment.
1 Timothy 1:9 Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers,

James 2:10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.

    The dynamics in the spiritual life is this: that by keeping the commandments which is from the man of God will manifest the spirit and when the spirit comes to manifest the same shall manifest the words written in the scriptures whether it is of the law or of the prophecies.  This is the reason why it has to be a command so that it will be by faith.  So the law is a passive form but the command is the active form. Moreover, the word is manifested by preaching. 

Romans 7:12 Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good. 

Hebrews 7:18 For there is verily a disannulling of the commandment going before for the weakness and unprofitableness thereof.

   Going back, the interpretation he will be giving to people regarding the scriptures will be carnal and not spiritual.  Obviously, he will display his eloquence on the word of God but not in the demonstration of the power of the spirit, which is to say, that a man will cease from committing sins and keep himself unspotted from the pollution of the world.

   The teaching will be of the grace of God but not in the right interpretation for Grace is a spirit which makes a man to labour more abundantly to hurdle all the evil and overcome all the temptations of this world.  Grace is that spirit that the son of God will find in the time of need.  The prophet Zechariah attests to this claim as written in the book of Zechariah at chapter 12 on verse 10 (Zechariah 12:10).    

    Let no man deceive you for in the last days many will come in the name of Jesus Christ saying they are He.  Yea, the other name of Satan is Jesus (2 Corinthians 11:4).  Be not deceive.  Further, there is no such thing as eternal security as we hear from these maggots saying, believe and you shall be saved.  Verily, they do err not knowing the scriptures nor the power of God.  Having said this, are we not to be believe: God forbid! We walk by faith.   

    Unless the people of God, who are made his royal  and holy priests, come out to evangelize this world  the danger remains clear and present.  Who is now teaching holiness and perfection? I bet no one is doing this.  Who is teaching on sufferings I bet a few would do if only to justify their pains in doing evil and not in doing good.  The sufferings they are into is because of their evil works and not because of their obedience to the gospel.

    Surely, however, there is a sect who is doing this today but wait in the spirit, also,  watch and pray that these people will come not in the Sabbath nor in the Winter.  

    Any man who uses the word of God and displays his acumen on it is not of God if he will not have the Spirit.  As Jesus said, by their fruits ye shall know them, let me say deeper in the language of the spirit, By their spirits ye shall know them!  So beloved, believe not every spirit but try every spirit whether they are of God for in this everyone is warned.

    Finally, interpreting the word last days is safe if it be done under the spirit of counsel and might. As the scriptures are written by inspiration of God and is good for doctrine, for correction, for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be furnished unto all good works: it simply means that the last days is the last stages of the man walking in the spirit whose flesh is fast rotting and dying.  

    The flesh will be in great tribulation because the commands will be sore and against his own pleasure and desires and will.  The war to emerge will be on the war between the flesh and spirit.  Those who are born in the flesh will persecute those who will be born in the spirit.

    To the disobedient this will be the beginning of sorrows which is unto death but to the obedient this will also be the beginning of sorrow which is unto life.  Now, it must be clear how that the world will be deceive for both sides of the fence will experience sorrow.  This I speak of the people inside the church of the firstborn.  The judgment of the world will yet follow in a while.

    Once the people of God is perfected and made holy then shall they go out and preach and then shall the name be rejected and the doctrine.  

    Now, how will the name of God be rejected? It is rejected by them who have heard it and not those who do not.  It means that inside the church of the firstborn many will not be obedient to the word and they will wax cold in the love of God.  

    They will turn into the diverse lusts and pleasures which the world could offer.  This in a nut shell is the event that will take place.  there will be falling away first.  The word of God is not for the use of other people or is used to judge other men but first to one's own self. 

    Man will never be perfect if he will use this to judge another man.  This is where most of the believers in both the old and the new testaments do err.  They simply do not have the spirit.  

    Never interpret the scriptures by the words you read but by the spirit.  He that hath an ear let him hear.