Miyerkules, Disyembre 28, 2016


   In the present world of Christianity seldom do they teach sufferings and, worse,  no one is teaching about the Spirit, the Fear of the Lord, and his Judgment which is the way, the truth and the life of the Spirit for man to be holy and perfect.
Psalms 64:9 And all men shall fear, and shall declare the work of God; for they shall wisely consider of his doing.
Psalms 66:16 Come and hear, all ye that fear God, and I will declare what he hath done for my soul.
     The Spirit killed Ananias and Sapphira.  The Spirit blinded Elymas the Sorcerer.  The Spirit changed Herod into a beast just like what He did to Nebuchadnezzar of old.  The Spirit commanded Jesus to die on the Cross.  The Spirit drowned the whole world of old because of the evil of their imagination! The New Testament by the Spirit teaches of adultery as looking at a woman with lust and murder as by hating his brother.  The Spirit has not changed in that it is not flesh and is angry with sin.  The Spirit denied Moses of his entry into the promise land though he sought it by the Spirit.  The same Spirit attempted to annihilate the whole of Israel who came out of Egypt for four times the reason why Moses had to fast 40 days and 40 nights for four (4) times. See Story on Deuteronomy Chapter 9 and Deuteronomy 10:10.
     How then will men in the flesh be changed having no fear in them? Their fear is far more of fear of death and sufferings which  keeps them in bondage under Satan! Being in bondage for fear of death they always seek for the things for their own and never God's.
     Going into His judgment: the Spirit burned Sodom and Gomorrah; Commanded Moses and his servants to kill all of His enemies like the Perezzites, the Girgashites, the Hivites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Jebusites and many other nations mightier than Israel.  He is a holy God and will never forgive the sins of man.  The Spirit may pardon but only by an intercessor, a saviour, so to speak, hence, his coming down or, simply put, the Spirit to dwell in a man.  His judgments were unto all his children and his righteousness are all unto the world.  Meaning, everyone shall reap what he sow. Man will never stand the chance of being forgiven of their sins without an intercessor! The Book of Judges tell us that every time Israel would lose their judge they would get worse and would provoke God to anger.  In suffering, however, because their evil thy would call upon him and God would send a saviour.
     In suffering, the Spirit designed such for man to cease from sin and to perfect man in holiness.  All these do not the Christian world refrain from teaching perhaps for lack of knowledge or for filthy lucre sake.  People will leave their fold and, ergo, money will fly, too!
     My warning to this world is to be very wise by searching the scriptures asking God for the wisdom and knowledge and understanding and without doubt draw near to God by putting your trust only in Him and not on man.  Never confer with man but go straight pray and seek and meditate and read his word.  The Spirit is alive and he will teach, lead, and guide you to the truth! 

December 29, 2016 (Thursday)

     God first found and loved man and not the other way around like man finding him and loving him first.  It is not because man sought for God that man has found him but because God has called, chosen, elected and appointed man unto doing his will.  The friction between man and God is that man is trying to live a life of holiness by his knowledge about God’s holiness when his knowledge is only part of the whole truth for God has secrets, mysteries, and new things to reveal. 
     Man on the other hand, has not known all these and is not even least capable of knowing all the former things and the beginning of things.  Now, God would like to live as a man for man to be able to talk with him as a man, that is to say, he has descended.  The friction is that God is trying to live like a man to reach out mankind and man would press to live a holy life according to his own knowledge in the truth and laws that are past.
     When God would declare his secrets, mysteries, and new things such as his present laws and truth man will reject: hence, the gospel of the cross.   They cast Jeremiah into prison for the new laws and prophecies and revelations.  They crucified Jesus Christ and persecuted the Christian church because of the new doctrine which is about the new name.  They rejected Paul for the gospel of uncircumcision.  The prophet Micaiah never spoke of what is contemporary and acceptable to a man.  The Jews were hated because their laws were different from the laws of the other people of the land!

1 Kings 22:13 And the messenger that was gone to call Micaiah spake unto him, saying, Behold now, the words of the prophets declare good unto the king with one mouth: let thy word, I pray thee, be like the word of one of them, and speak that which is good.

     Now, God is teaching his secrets, mysteries, and new things for man to be perfect for God alone is perfect.  Everything that is given to man or revealed to man is for man's use in this life and is only a part of that which is perfect.  Therefore, no man can ever make his fellow perfect without God coming down to reveal the secrets, mysteries, and the new things which he will declare as things that are right.

Nehemiah 8:12 And all the people went their way to eat, and to drink, and to send portions, and to make great mirth, because they had understood the words that were declared unto them.

Martes, Disyembre 13, 2016



The world is awash with proofs on this subject as we see it among the philosophers who came and are gone in this world.  The Empiricist and the Rationalists are at loggerheads on this subject which is Knowledge.  The truth however is that these two (2) thoughts of speculations are part of the larger part which is the TRUTH.

Truly, by rationalism the scholars of this world has gone erroneous in their interpretation having lacked the empirical data.  Reason cannot stand alone as it is very dependent on the fed data or things which are accepted by man or the processor.  Reason can be compared to "garbage-in-garbage-out" thing.   The Spirit is the Being who makes all thing complete by Revelation on the things past and on the things to come.

As an example to this is the belief that the Holy Bible is not an original concept or thought as they claim that vestiges of ancient thoughts and teachings and beliefs and philosophy are reflected on it.  The story goes on their (scholars’) belief and interpretation that at one time Alexander the Great asked his wise men for a law to keep his kingdom intact.  It was falling apart at that time then.  The result to the command was the production of the Holy Bible.

The above claim could have been plausible if Alexander the Great came earlier than the captivity of Judah at Babylon.  This could have been also believable if the framers of the Holy Bible were not separated by God from the flesh or men before they wrote the commands from God.  Abraham was separated from his kindreds, Moses & Israel who came from Egypt were separated from Egypt and brought into the wilderness, and the New Testament people were commanded to separate themselves from the world and not to conform to it. 

The children of Judah came into Babylon earlier than Alexander the Great and had their laws already with which they did not compromise thereat. Daniel and Meshach, Shadrach, and Abednego were the set examples to this non-conformance to Babylon.  Daniel was thrown into the den of lions and Meshach, Shadrach, and Abednego were thrown into the furnace heated seven (7) times.

Now, God is everywhere and by record He spoke to Pharaoh-Nechoh of Egypt where King Josiah of Judah failed to discern so that he despised his words, saying, meddle not with in my war at Carchemish by the waters of Megiddo for God commanded me to make war thereat.  God spoke to Cyrus of Persia to build the temple of God at Jerusalem and in effect he sent captives back to Jerusalem providing them with victuals and provisions for the accomplish of such divine command.  God also spoke to king Essar-haddun of Assyria by the prophet Jonah.  King Abimelech of Gerar was spoken to by God regarding Sarah and Rebekah. These nations and the ancient countries were never void of the Spirit of God working in them. In fact, the judgment of God was common to all until now.  We all reap what we sow!

Personally, I have never gone to any school of philosophy or religion and have this knowledge by the revelation of God which alone makes all things perfect.  The Spirit of Revelation makes all things perfect for God alone makes the perfect interpretation of things and never man.  Looking into our present experience. We can see this in the dialectics of the Marcoses and the Aquinos and the Leftists.  They all declare that President Ferdinand Marcos is an evil man and that he murdered tens of thousands of people in his rule during the martial law.  These claims are not, however, purely, perfect for it lacked the other side of the story.  The vindication to this false accusations are the voters who expressed their rebuttal in the ballots.  Remember, anything that this not perfect is false, a lie, and an error.

Now, going back, the world scholars missed in their speculations and interpretation because they were and are never existent in those times as to empirically claim their propositions.  History, for it to be correct in using reason to interpret it, should be near perfect as to have it laced  with as much empirical data as can be.  Unfortunately, the greatest ingridient to perfection which is the intent and motive of why things happen is no longer available to men today, thus, the Spirit of Revelation is the supplier of this which is confirmed in the present events because it is repeated.  If there is a new thing happening it is always falling into the lines of the prophecies of the holy men of God.  This we cannot see or experience from this world of flesh.

Long before Galileo's observation in his telescope the scriptures has revealed that the earth is round and that it hangs on nothing.  The ignorant and foolish reaction of the Roman Catholics to Galileo’s revelation was not scriptural for they did not know the scriptures nor the power of God.  

Long before science has seen and revealed that there are wandering stars (Planimus) without light the scriptures has revealed it already.

The world is ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of truth.  They are the manifestation of the Word of God on the other edge of the sword while the sons of God having the Spirit fulfil the Word of God in the Life of the Spirit which is against the flesh on the other side of the edge of that sword.

Now, it should be clear that without the Spirit of Truth and Revelation this world can never be perfected.  This is the reason why perfection is possible (as a teaching and doctrine with his children and in his church) but not with the churches and men who claim they are the truth.

Remember, it is the Spirit of Truth and Revelation which alone makes all things perfect along with all things like rationalism and empiricism, among others.  He, therefore, who will despise the Spirit will never be perfect.  He, also, who will not believe that the Spirit who is Christ that he will come to dwell in man whom he chose to dwell and place his name there the same is the antichrist.  

He who will despise Revelation can never be perfected in their knowledge. Know, however, that every Truth and Revelation carry with them the purpose, the will, the intent, the time, the judgment, and the counsel (PWITJC) of God as its divider.  

There is another divider on the Word of God which is His Spirits.  The man of God is commanded to rightly divide the word of God that he may be furnished unto all good works. 

Jude 1:5 I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not.