Miyerkules, Disyembre 30, 2015


    Little do people know that Born Again is a word which reflected the life of Moses who led the Children of Israel from Egypt unto the wilderness. 

    Moses as born again was able to talk with God, receive the power from God in his ministry,magnified by God in the face of Pharaoh, led the people of God into the life of being holy to serve God on the mount, commissioned to carry out the plan, keep the covenant, and saw the promise of God from afar.

    His life was exactly the born again man having given the wherewithal to bring people unto the promise land.  He never entered, however, but only see it from the heights of mount Abarim.

    Moses displeased God despite his stature in the sight of God.  His body was later contended by Michael the Archangel and the devil (Jude 1:9).

    It is apparent that being born again is a stage in life toward attaining the promise which is spiritual-battle-filled. Born again is a rebirth in the incorruptible which is by the word of God which lives and abides for ever.  

    Any Christian who says he is born again but is not even engaged in a spiritual battle between the flesh and the spirit is never one of its ilk as it is written, for our warfare is not carnal but spiritual.  He has to put the whole armour of God as disclosed by Paul in his epistle to the Ephesians.

    Who are you then to say that you are  a born again christian when you are a full fledge carnal being? You have never even separated yourself from dead works and from the lust of the flesh.

    Born again is not a stage of security for salvation.  Salvation is a different subject from the stages in Christian life. A man can be saved even if he were a sinner when God would wish him saved because salvation is a power of God which, says, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy; and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.

    No man can ever know if he is saved or not that idea is yet to be executed in heaven on the day of judgment.  On the contrary, what assures a man of his salvation is when he receives the seal of his salvation and receive the Spirit of God in him.  This means when God indwells in a man. 

    Be not deceive born again is not a place or time of salvation but a stage where a man is being sanctified unto holiness to serve Him and obey his commands to the full. Born again will lead a man  to be born in water and spirit which life is reflected in the lives of Joshua and Caleb. The birth in water and spirit is another stage in the Christian life a rebirth, so to speak.  

    Birth in water and in the spirit is the conversion of a man.  It is also the making of a man into a little child in malice but a full grown man in understanding. 
     Know that Joshua and Caleb entered the promise land while Moses did not. Moses was born again but was not born in water and spirit. To be born in water and spirit is by fully obeying the commands with a perfect heart.         

   Birth in the water and spirit is the entry of a man into the kingdom of heaven.  It is the stage of innocence after all of the experiences that a man has in his walk with the spirit in the state of obedience and never in disobedience.

    Moreover, one must know that walking in the spirit is never a cakewalk.  Some will err in this stage and some will be deceive ones he is not able to hone his discernment on the spirits.  This is the reason why everyone is warned not to believe every spirit but to try every spirit whether they are of God.  

    The problem with Christians nowadays is that no one is teaching or leading them to the walk in the spirit, hence, they are never able to know the holy spirits of God.

    So pray for the Lord of the harvest that he may send His servants who are the ministers of the word and of the spirit. Be not deceive. Halleluiah.

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