Linggo, Abril 10, 2016


     Contentions between the believers of God and the atheists  have lead to questions whether God is doing good to man or bad. In fact, this is already a body of idea which is being debated worldwide.
     The issue raised by the agnostics and atheists alike, saying, God is bad, is not baseless.  In fact, if we would go back to the biblical experiences of God's battles against the heathens and gentiles, in separate times, this would tell us that hundreds of thousands die in one battle alone.  This is not to mention that God fought many battles with his servants like the prophets, the judges and the kings.
     God commanded Moses to destroy seven nations for them to inherit the land.  
     In not too long ago, wars were waged between Hindus and Muslims, Buddhist and Muslims, Christians and Muslims, and even in our present times Jihadists would set off themselves with bombs to kill what they call as infidels. Judaism and Islam is at war between Israel and the Arab countries surrounding them.
    One atheist who survived in the Vietnam war said, that if there is God then why would He allow such carnage, pillage and mayhem?
    As an hindsight, God brought confusion into the world at the tower of Babel.  Suffice to say, God is not a Good God, afterall, and so, they say.   
    One would really think that God is sowing discord among nations, and even between religions, and between sects within a religion.  The evidences are just the ones we talked about earlier.   
    Further, this would suborn the idea that God is tribal. To aid us in explaining the crux of the matter and avoid the hassles of  having, too, big a sample, for purposes of rebuttal,  we will, instead, focus on the Christian Religion.    
     The God of all the Christian believers is named Jesus Christ.  Nevertheless, all of them can never come to agree which law and doctrine of Jesus Christ would they choose to adopt: each sect has a different version of their story or interpretation of the word of God in the Holy Bible.  Hence, this is a start point to ponder upon. 
    To  change position in order to get another view on the story; it even gives a clearer picture on the cause of the division and disagreements among the Christians. The lust of the uncleanness of the flesh of men is the root of the matter of such differences or, else, indifference from each other. God is not divided for if his kingdom were divided then it will never stand. 
    Additi0nally, it is clear right here that Jesus Christ is not the root of the matter.  The cause of the division of these believers is actually on the absence of God's spirit of interpretation that is why contentions abound in the Christian religion.  
   If God were only around then He would have made the crooked straight for He is a God of peace and not of confusion.  Knowledge among Christians right now have increased but these have never come to the knowledge of truth.  This is why they fight and debate on foolish questions.
   Going back to the macro picture of wars between nations dating back from the ancient biblical times.  The bible reads as because these people have corrupted and defiled the land  which was given to them by God.  And so, they were spewed out of the land.  
    God has, a matter of fact, divided the land already regarding the inheritance of His children.  But the land spewed them out because of the evil of their doings. 
    Let no one think, therefore, that God is the cause of the problems today, verily, verily, it is man.  His evil mind and heart and filthy lust made all these to happen.
    The whole earth was destroyed by a flood because of their violent and corrupt practices.  Their minds were continually only evil so God repented why he created man and sought to destroy him.  

Genesis 6:7 
And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.
Genesis 6:13 
And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.
   God also destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of its wickedness and spared not even the angels who fought against him.  The Godly point here is that God is the creator and the destroyer.  Man has to fear him, and worship him, and serve him.  Hardening a heart and disobeying him is trouble.  It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes: it is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.

Genesis 19:13 
For we will destroy this place, because the cry of them is waxen great before the face of the LORD; and the LORD hath sent us to destroy it.

If all the people of the world were only obedient to God then no one would not have seen wars in their days.  Man is the trouble-maker and not God.   Man is only reaping what he has sown and God has nothing to do with it. Man has procured all the evil unto him.

Finally, to say that God is evil is eternally a damnable heresy!

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