Biyernes, Agosto 28, 2020


     The subject on whether there is only one God or many Gods is a hot issue among theists (monotheism or polytheism). This will mean that there are many ways to know God or there is only one way as Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life_ no one comes to the Father but by me." 

    Obviously, no one human being can claim perfect knowledge on God except those things which are known already or revealed to man, that is, by the scriptures.  

29Deuteronomy 29:29 The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.

    Now, the revelation made by God from one nation to another people and another time is in part and to make matters worse there are claims made by some emotional beings spotted by figments of their imaginations who say that they know God and are servants of God.  Simply put, all of mankind only know in part, hence, knowledge is compartmented by the purpose, will, intent, time, judgment, and counsel of God.

1 Corinthians 13:9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.

1 Corinthians 13:10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.

    Finding fault in the old covenant by laws and prophecies: not because it was faulty but because man is; God created and established a new covenant by new things. 

    Now, by virtue of the OLD COVENANTS OF GOD unto a particular people and unto a particular place the default is established regarding the way towards knowing God. So Moses was the way in his time and some people embraced that way until today.  The prophet Jeremiah was also the way to God for Israel and Judah in his time and Jesus was also the way in his time and that was another way.  Thus God said, that He will judge people in the place where they are created and in the land where they are born.  Significantly, all human beings are to put in mind that God is a just God and, thus, will judge all by their laws and by their faith.  There is no one way towards knowing God or salvation. 

    Conversely, to say that God dwells in each and everyone of us being the temple of God will mean that there are many vessels and, therefore, many ways.         

    Now, to say that the mind of man is not the mind of God is a two-edged sword either because God has secrets and mysteries unknown to man or what we want, desire, and know is the opposite of God's pleasure, hence, our mind is not His mind.

    Taking on the latter nuance it will mean that there is only one way to knowing God and how will this happen? I would say that God is a Spirit and that he dwells in each and everyone of us being His temple.  

    Now, everyone that has the Spirit of God does the will of God and not the will of own. Along this view, it can be said that by man's mind he sees that there are many ways and paths to Salvation or knowing God but looking things at the perspective of the Spirit all things are under the singular purpose, will, intent, time, judgment, and counsel of God, hence, there is only one way. 

    This is actually the trouble that keeps every religion, creed, belief, kingdoms, and churches on the material and physical world divided.  Truly, the mind and ways of God are not our minds and ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts.  

    The divide, therefore, between men in the perspectives is their area of domain, dimension, state and condition where they are born and where they are created.  Moreover, the gap is widened from each divide by the lust and pride of them who seek to have preeminence and fame and power among men. 

    However, the scriptures is not wanting in the spirit of counsel telling and warning everyone that there are false prophets who will come to seduce and deceive many even by the name of Jesus, by teaching the gospel of peace and the gospel of the cross which is another gospel, and by misleading people with  another spirit.

    Now, the minds of people are either deceived, seduced, polluted, or corrupted by an extracorporeal force which they never come to know being ignorant. This fact will tell that not all ways lead to God for a man to know God.  There are perverse ways which is clearly not a path or way of God.

    There maybe many ways in the material perspective but it is never that many in the spiritual perspective for there is only one God and one Spirit who teaches us of his ways and truth.    




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