The TRUE church is
known by the audible voice from the man of God or by His messenger in the
church but the invented church by men do not believe in AUDIBLE VOICE even
making themselves as the antichrists.
REFERENCES: Acts 10: 19-48; Acts 16:9; Acts 8:29-40
Verily, verily, the true church is the church with prophets who are the TRUTH and LIGHT bearers having the Spirit.
REFERENCE: 1 Cor 12:28-30
Now, the church without the Spirit of God will naturally base and build their own story and prophecies strictly on their speculation from the bible, thus, their narrative is fix and nothing new which is not a manifestation of the SPIRIT because the Spirit is a flux.
Having culled a
church NARRATIVE from the scriptures they will reject anything which is from the
voice of the Spirit of GOD just like the Pharisees and the Sadducees of old who
through their doctrine did have their contradictory beliefs about the spirit or in the resurrection or on
angels. They teach for doctrines the
commandments of men_ meaning, they preach that which was already revealed to
men which, therefore, already belong to men but God is not a man.
Deuteronomy 29:29 The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.
Today’s variant of antichrist are no different from the high priest Caiphas, the scribes, the Pharisees, and the Sadducees for as they crucified the SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST _ so are they persecuting the CHURCH OF THE FIRSTBORN of CHRIST_ meaning, the ones who are born in the spirit.
(It is written, they who are born in the flesh persecuteth them who are born in the spirit.)
For as a matter of significance, what good would it do to the churches if God were to pour his spirit unto all men, as he promised to do (see Joel and in the book of Acts), when their dogma will only prevail and would refuse to change their own constructed narratives and concepts of God?
Are all churches willing to change their teachings, dogmas, and doctrines if God’s Spirit will change the narrative being in the Spirit which is to say in the flux?
Behold, God said all things will melt (all heaven and all earth) so that a New Heaven and a New Earth will emerge. So, the people of God look for this New Heaven and New Earth which simply means a new creation from the WORD OF GOD. Meaning, there is a new gamut of things regarding the narrative which will prove HIM that He is God who will come down unto all men.
In the same vein, Spiritually, there is a need to change the law because of the death and change of a new priesthood!
All these means and points to the truth that the SPIRIT is working, saying, if a man is in CHRIST he is a new creature old things are pass away and behold new things are become new. This is clearly the working of the SPIRIT.
Are you looking for an evidence of a new narrative? In MOSES’ time, their narrative was to go out of Egypt and to enter into the promise land by killing all nations who defiled the land. In JEREMIAH’S time, they were to be captives and not conquerors because of the sins that they committed and that Jerusalem will be destroyed just as SHILOH was also destroyed. In JESUS’ time, their narrative was to preach the gospel and to suffer for his name sake even giving their own lives as the sacrifice, that is, to become martyrs for the sins of many!
All these things happen by the voice of God’s prophets and messengers. There was never a time in the true church where the prophets or the VOICE OF GOD was not heard (day unto day uttereth speech and night unto night sheweth knowledge)
Sadly, today we can only hear contentions, debate, and money-making out of the Word of God! As it happen of old that Israel did not have a law, a true God, and a teaching priest so is the spiritual world today! Their works are a popularity contest thinking that there is truth in numbers.
Now, this is not to sweepingly conclude that God is not working today it is just that men continue to reject his VOICE especially on the war between the flesh and the spirit, and the pulling down of the stronghold of the imaginations, and the war against spiritual wickedness in high places, and the gospel to fear God, and to give glory to him, and to worship him!
Almost all, if not all, the teachings that prevail today are on eternal security and prosperity which is so vile that it does not even teach about the Spirit and power. Doing so, the people who are seeking God are not able to come to the knowledge of truth and are at a loss on whom to listen to and which way to go.
The orientation of their gospels are on the SELF of man _ yea, the fruit of the spirit for them is the love, joy, and peace which is for themselves and never the peace which God must have so that his anger and wrath and curse may be taken away from the sinners for all sins that they have sinned against God!
Accepting and believing on JESUS is not enough for the devils also believe and tremble! There is a work to do on the part of man while God is the one who gives the increase. The spiritual narrative is not a work of man’s phantasm and speculation.
The work of the Spirit is not all supernatural and all miracles and for this the bible aptly warned everyone that in the last days there will be many deceivers and false Christs who will do great wonders.
The narrative of the Spirit is on HIS coming down from heaven to manifest amongst men and to make man holy and perfect according to his image which is by his gospel.
The narrative is
about the CREATION of man and the eventual SERVICE to God in order to deliver every
man, as much as possible, from the CURSE that plagued everyone for eons because
of the evil of their works!
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