Huwebes, Hulyo 16, 2020


       There are diverse kinds of truth in the plenitude of truth. There is a kind of truth operating in the visible world which are observable and can be replicated in the laboratories by experiments. There is a truth which pervade in the invisible which needs the faculty to discern a different level which,  however, affects the visible world.

       Now, the truth permeates in all levels and dimensions and conditions. The Truth is the Spirit.  What is peculiar to the Spirit of Truth is that when it is sent by God it moves to create everything that stands along its path. 

Psalms 104:30 Thou sendest forth thy spirit, they are created: and thou renewest the face of the earth. 

The Spirit is about creation, so to speak,  and God is a Spirit.   I can only safely say that the holy scriptures reveal all of the power of God in creation.

The Book of Genesis speaks of how God created the heaven and the earth saying and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Genesis 1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

The Book of Revelation speaks the same about an act of creation of New Heaven and new Earth.  Across the Holy Bible, creation is the beginning and the end theme.  It clearly suggests that God is a God of creation.

Now, creation is not a status quo because it needed manpower to manage, maintain, and manicure it.  Hence, Adam was created to be the husbandman of the Garden of Eden and Eve was the help who was also created for that purpose.

Now, the laws are added because of transgression. Seeing, therefore, that in the days of Moses there were a notable number of laws it only suggests that Israel was evil because of the influences of Egypt: but, they found grace and mercy and the appointed time to fulfill  the promise of God to Abraham came and Moses was sent from his life of exile.

Going back, Adam and Eve disobeyed God's command and both of them were cursed and banished.  It is in the condition of curse and banishment that God planned to bring back man into the state of preparedness to serve God.

Now, the only way to bring back the state of holiness and perfection is to save them first from the curse, and so, salvation came into the picture of the Grand Plan of God.  simply, put salvation is only a skopos to the telos of having servants in the kingdom and that kingdom is of the Spirit.

Plainly, the business in the Kingdom of God is creation which needs servants filled with the Spirit of God who are called _laborers for the "harvest", and yet, are his sons and daughters and servants.  Clearly, Jesus obeyed even unto death not as the son in our lingo but as the sacrificial lamb even lower than a servant but as an animal sacrifice, so to speak.  He was made sin for us.

So, Salvation is an intermediate plan for man to be prepared and created in holiness and perfection ready for the service in the kingdom. So, man has to be born again, then born in the spirit and finally, be born of God! These are the products of the many processes presented when a man decides to receive God as his savior.  There are many saviors meaning there will be many laws just as what happen to Israel when the nazarite have their own laws different from that of the Levites and the other tribes of Israel. The spirit of counsel, however, speaks saying, by their fruits ye shall know them. Additionally, it says, try every spirit whether they are of God. 

Therefore, the Gospel of the Kingdom of God is inclusive and never exclusive because of the Gospel of Peace which peace is between man and God, first, and then the fruit which is the peace between man and man.

On point, first was creation then came the fall of man, and then came the plan of salvation, and then the plan to put man back into commission to serve God in his grand plan of creation.

Now, salvation is seen as a motivation of man to come to God but it is never the telos which demands service to God. Salvation is selfish as it focus on prize, promise, reward, and material abundance.

Contrary wise, the motivation to serve God is selfless and goes with the idea of being spotless, blameless, without wrinkle and without spot! It also corroborates the idea of denying oneself and carrying the cross and following Jesus. 

Had the the world known the truth that it is service to God that matters as the Telos (ultimate objective) and not salvation which is only a motivation many would have changed their perspective about the plan of God which is creation.     

The hilt of hypocrisy is in seeking salvation without the intent of serving God. The hilt of hypocrisy is being selfish which is the desire for salvation without the thought of being selfless in serving God.


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