Miyerkules, Marso 9, 2022



    The doctrine of the true church is the Spirit and the creation it actively conduct in the fluxus quo environment. One may argue and  claim that the doctrine in the truth is about righteousness, holiness, perfection, and godliness and I do not have quarrel with that. Holistically, however, all those ideas form part of the gospel and the narrative of God about His creation and pleasure in a particular time. 

    GOD is a Spirit the creator of all things. His laws are established to maintain balance & establish the physical and spiritual world to make people live and walk in the flesh and in the spirit.  His WILL to all men is to give His Spirit that all may be called the children of God in his kingdom.  

    Creation takes place when God sends forth his spirits and each spirit have laws that operate and function in all aspects of the material and the spiritual world.

    It means, that there are extant laws which are not affected by outside forces and we have no control. These laws operate even if these are rejected or is unknown to anyone. To reject it will not help for there is neither philosophy nor ideal nor thought nor ways that can deny its works and manifestations.   

    It means the laws which are in the Spirit permeate the physical and the spiritual world. To this stands the saying, taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the gospel.

2 Thessalonians 1:8 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:

        The reason why this world is plummeting into its own demise is because the very link between the physical & the spiritual world which is man is corrupted and is departing from its determined orbit to GOD which is his will.

        The only way to retain stability in the material and spiritual world  along the will of God is to continually create man in the image of God by his gospel and for a man to subject himself to God where everything is in a flux for God is a spirit. 

        However, being in the flux does not mean that the laws that both founded the past and present spiritual & the physical world is broken and is of no use.  The fact remains that the laws continue to work and function no matter how people change or create another world or reality in the continuum of human experience. 

        The reason why the people are not able to see afar off or have a 20-20 vision of the universe is because they are blinded by the world's lust and pleasures where the laws are passed onto oblivion and man is set to accept curse and suffering as an a priori.

        The doctrine of the Spirit is the sole truth divided by the purpose, will, intent, time, judgment, and counsel of God.  The world seeks for a universal truth which is ONE but that singular truth alone is GOD. Therefore, when the transcendent God comes down to dwell among his people_ the people he created to be holy and peculiar it is that he will declare the things that are right. God is subjective in the application and execution of his doctrine but is objective in the attainment of the goals of his plan.  

        Therefore, by the Spirit and power of God all laws and things can be changed, renewed, regenerated, or refreshed.  This what the world continually fail to recognize and acknowledge through ages and eons of experience_ the power of God. This is the reason why they rejected JESUS and all the prophets sent by God of old and even in the present setup.  People think that the laws are the ones written or in letters which were just added because of transgressions. Some people think that the laws of God are etched on a stone and are inviolable as it is written, hence, they ended up crucifying Jesus Christ.   

        The mindset of people, since time immemorial, has never changed when it comes to perceiving God and his laws.  They are all locked up to a doctrine which they teach as a commandment after the traditions of men.  These words are not alien words but are from the written words inspired by God but not according to the spirit. The gospel they preach is not another gospel but not according to knowledge. To make matters worse and disorderly confusing all things done are not by the spirit and power of God.  Yea, the servants of God are the ministers of the Spirit and the spirits they do minister.

        The world forget that God is a God of the living and not of the dead. It means that in Spirit God has never stopped creating new things like new heavens and new earth, yea, even new laws to make up a holy nation and a peculiar people in his time.

        Whatsoever doctrine, therefore, that forbids the demonstration of spirit and the power of God is reprobate, hence, to pour out the spirit to them, as promised, is useless because they will always forge a way which is right in their own sight and reject knowledge in the spirit.

        Truly, by their fruits and doctrine we shall know them because by fruits it should be the fruit of the spirit that dwell in them and by the doctrine it must also be in the spirit which voice is the gospel of God with the power.  The doctrine is the Spirit which is trancendent in the spiritual world and is immanent in the material world. The doctrine is about the Spirit which continue to create and effectually maintains the balance of the material and the spiritual world.

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