Lunes, Enero 30, 2023


The usual nuance of a cult is seeing a human offering and offering of animals where blood is shed.  Little did everyone know that the real cult are those churches who do not allow their constituents to think and meditate and learn by themselves of the works, ways, mind and manner of God in the Spirit.

They teach doctrines after the tradition of men, meaning, they selectively choose the scriptures over which their religion or church or sect has built as a dogma.  They cannot freely walk in the spirit which is in the newness, refreshing & regeneration of things by the Spirit. Witting or unwitting they only see what they want to see and hear what they want to hear.  

They formalize every teaching that they have being ignorant of the ways of God.  They cannot accept anything which is not based on a structured and well-defined theory or framework. Hence, their interpretation is private in effect.

How can such a church be able to accept the Spirit if they are not prepared or ready to receive the Spirit? Meaning, they operate by their principles and dogmas. 

When Jesus Christ came down from the Father in heaven his teachings were never accepted by the people who do not believe in spirits and angels and the resurrection.  Simply put, these are the ones who are heavily dependent on the doctrine that they have culled from the available scriptures then. It is no great wonder why they crucified Christ.

Some churches subtly creep into the government by means of influence.  They seek control over a certain areas where no deputy or chief is suppose to assume the position unless they are proselytes themselves. Worse, they should remit money to the church or are forced to strictly observe tithes. 

Presently, tithes is being used as a means to rob people because of the intent to enrich themselves and not the work of the ministry, the edifying of the body of Christ and the perfecting of the saints.

The true church has no shadow of insecurity as it is run and administered by the man of God whose teaching is about furnishing the people of God unto all good works _ a work which is suffering in well-doing.

There are many measures to know a cult from the TRUE CHURCH OF GOD.  Learn and know. He that hath an ear let him hear.   




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