Miyerkules, Nobyembre 25, 2015

The Doctrine In The Spirit

It would be clear that the reason people are asking questions about the scriptures regarding God and his works is because they really neither know the scriptures nor the power of God though that knowledge is just available for everyone to search and to know God:                             
    a)  The scriptures that testify of God who is come into the world.  The light that lighteth every man that is come into the world;
    b) The scriptures that is good for reproof, for doctrine, for correction, for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be perfect thoroughly furnished unto all good works;
Therefore, the scriptures is the proof of the man of God for his being.  It testifies for him; it guides him as the spirit leads him to the performance of the Will Of God upon him.  The scriptures build up the whole story of his spiritual life which is line upon line, line upon line, precepts upon precepts, precepts upon precepts, here a little and there a little.

Now, there are many false teachers and aptly called false prophets who speak of the prophecies which can never make someone holy and perfect.  Yea, the prophecies that they touch border on iniquity for it was never revealed to them by God: their lives not being a manifestation of the spirit of the son of God.
They speak of rapture as a sure thing to come having no understanding of what rapture means.  They deny power but they use the power of God (the prophecy of rapture) to deceive many by telling them of the rapture that it shall come as if they were God themselves.
Woe, unto you generation of false prophets for ye seduce many by your doctrines which are never commanded to you.  Being reprobate in every work you make many to believe in a strong delusion which can never make them enter in to the Kingdom of God so then how can they be raptured? Yea, they have no fear of God, therefore, how can they change, as the scripture say, in a moment we shall be changed?
Depart from them! Depart from them for they are the ones written who comes in the name of Jesus Christ to deceive many!   They are not teaching the fear of the Lord.
Hear, and Believe, and harden not your hearts, and depart from them for they are of their father the Devil the Liar. They use the scriptures to lure men into divers lust and pleasures and cares and affections of the flesh.  They will never teach about the spirit which is against the flesh: for to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
They bring you into belief that Spirit Of Liberty which sayeth, blessed is the man whom God imputeth not sin! It further say, that he that is born of God cannot sin. 
Their doctrine is devilish and is never of God which comes from the Spirit of Truth and Revelation.  Therefore, Jesus and the Apostles were persecuted.
Yea, The doctrine that  is coming from the Spirit is the reason why it is not under the law.  The world will say that the Spirit of Truth is of the Devil for not knowing the scriptures nor the power of God. Amen


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