Huwebes, Setyembre 21, 2017


The knowledge extant in the world is not necessarily relevant to all men: a physicist knowledge is not relevant to a biologist; the existentialist knowledge will never sit well in the minds of the essentialists; the knowledge of a nihilist is not applicable to an extropianist; even so the knowledge of a Buddhist is unconscionable to an Islamist; atheists will never reconcile with a theist; Reduction physicalist will never condescend to a substance dualist; and many more.  Man himself is even a divided being because of lack of knowledge and understanding.    
Though a man is generally observed to be an individual it is, however, a triumvirate being of body, soul and spirit. Outside of his being are the holy spirits of God and the spirits of this world which is the driving force of a man into holiness or into profanity. The external spirits are dwellers and are the true servants of God in his plan on creation! These spirits will God send to create a particular person under the law of the righteous judgment of God.
A man with a profane dweller can never do the good that he wants to do and, likewise, a man with the holy dweller can never do the evil no matter what he wills to doing it.  To this agree the word of God, saying, it is not by might nor by power but by my spirit.  Even so, the revelation that says, salvation is a gift and not of works.
Going back, even the Christians themselves are divided in their interpretation about salvation having the same substrate on their belief which is the Holy Bible! 

It must be clear that there are many (facets because the spirit of man is bound for transformation and creation) spirits of man latently dwelling inside him and this is the one doing the interpretation and the assimilation of all the things that he see, hear, touch, taste, and smell.  This process is creation which is actually the imaging of what he already accept. 

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