Huwebes, Setyembre 21, 2017


Scholars of all color are fun of searching knowledge. Some search to compare, some search to confirm, some search to refute, some search to understand, and some search to enrich themselves.  What is bungling, however, in the minds of these knowledge seekers are the fact that they did not come to the knowledge on how the scriptures were written and who wrote these.

In the words of Richard Dawkins we will never have known how Michelangelo felt when he would have painted the ceiling of an atheist church as compared to him painting the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican between 1508-1512. 

To align the mind of Richard Dawkins in the perspective of the present day religious scholars seeking to know the Word of God there is really no knowing why the scriptures along with its many revisions and translations would amount to help them come to the knowledge of truth.

On the contrary, if the scholars were able to fully grasp the way how the scriptures were written and revised and translated then they would have easily squelched the noises that they “hear” in reading the Holy Scriptures and hearing it actually from the many voices of various evangelists and denominational doctrine and tenets.

To begin with, the Holy Bible was written in many ways and means. The Bible was written by way of the help of an amanuensis as in the days of Jeremiah and Baruch. The Bible was also written in some cases by the witnesses themselves who heard and memorized the words of God and seen the works of the man of God like Moses, Joshua, David, Jesus, et. al.  The Bible was also written by succeeding generation of believers who by virtue of faith wrote what they heard in their times concerning God.  The Bible was also interpreted, revised and translated by faithful progenitors from its original tongue and text for which an exact word for word transcription can hardly come up with the precise spirit in context and in letters.  The Bible is written by men of understanding of the truth which truth shall be explained later in this book. The Bible is written by men inspired of God the Spirit in His time. The Bible is written by men trying to secularize the holy texts to fit into the contemporary.

The above circumstances whereby the contradictions emerge in the present bible and even back in its original tongue and text is due mainly to the above ways and means for which the Bible was written.  The men of God with the Spirit of God walking in the spirit knows all these dynamics and yet they are able to come to the very substrate of their faith based on the Bible.

The contradictions in figures or names or time as written in one book in the Bible to another book in the same Bible should be understood that there is a time that divides the writers apart and because of the absence of proofreading and editing technique the differences in the figure can be very plausible to happen.

Another source of contradiction or ambiguity in the scriptures arise from the fact that spiritual men who wrote a particular Book in the Bible are not so keen on what they read or already know but on what they hear from the Spirit or from the men sent by God like the prophets.  They only listen to the voice and not on what is already written or what is available for reading, as the saying goes, faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Simply put, these people write by revelation from the spirit.

Now, the missing link or the handicap of the scholars seeking the truth today is their failure to realize and understand the Spirit (its ways and works and manner), hence, their reasons are skewed and off beat.

The reason why the scriptures are what they are today is because of the desire of men to make it sellable in the contemporary market of ideas in the secular. Doing this, added with the speculative wisdom of the well-meaning, or else, the ill-meaning scholars makes the Bible less credible despite all the good or, conversely, the evil intent!  
The substrate test of any WORD for it to be of God in all the scripts available today be it in the form of Vedas, Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, Agamas, Quran, or Holy Bible is the Spirit that it carries with it. 

The true Word of God when spoken follows what is being written or what is declared by the Man of God in his time fulfilling all things according to the plan which is creation.  The Word of God carries with it the many forms of the holy spirits of God like the Spirit of Truth. 

The Word with the Spirit of Truth is the word which purifies and sanctifies a man’s heart and soul. The Word with the Spirit of Truth is the word that corrects a man and moves him to obey because it is the Spirit that moves a man. The Word with the Spirit of Truth sets a man free for the clutches of sin and death and from the laws of the flesh lust.  Truth is the most misconstrued and misunderstood Word of God.         

The Word with the Spirit of Truth makes a man holy which is totally unacceptable to all other denominations saying, no one man can possibly be made holy and much more be made perfect! The Spirit of Truth makes a man hear the Word from the man of God and to obey, hence, the word of God brings a man to the Faith being the schoolmaster.

John 16:13 Howbeit when he, the SPIRIT OF TRUTH, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.

The Word with the Spirit of Truth carries with it the fear for man in committing sin and in displeasing God. Lastly, the Word with the Spirit of Truth is the one declared and revealed by the mouth of God.  This is the reason why there are really discrepancies in the canonical books in the Holy Bible in particular.  Truth is the Spirit and it listeth where it bloweth if we need to know where God is coming. Truth is not absolute in application but absolute in value, hence, it is changing all the time to free man from sin and death! Truth is the convergence of theory of infinite series and limited value! Truth is the purpose, pleasure, power, will, intent, time, judgment, and counsel (P3WITJC) of God!

God is both his existence or presence and non-existence or absence in a man! The ideas of an Atheist and the Theist are both part of the spectrum of probability which is called the Truth, so to speak!   

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