Lunes, Setyembre 4, 2017


       Questions on animals in the holy scriptures is absurd! The HOLY BIBLE do not teach about biology or zoology!  The scriptures are written by inspiration of GOD and is good, and again, is good for doctrine, for correction, for instruction in righteousness that the Man Of God may be perfect thoroughly furnished unto all good works!  
       The Holy Bible is about man's way, and works towards holiness and perfection in God by the Spirit of God and not by man’s own might or own power.  The animals like unicorn, behemoth, leviathan, dragon is but a language of GOD or a thing seen by the Men Of God in a vision which are even sometimes described as something in the likeness of the things here on earth!  The animals seen in the visions do not actually have the exact replica or exact specie here on earth.  They are in heaven, so to speak.
       The animals not found here on earth or without such proof like the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns (REV 13:1) are but visions which were described by the prophets or Men Of God just like what John, Daniel and Ezekiel have described in their own times and spiritual experience. 

       So then, the animals in the bible are not significant, per se, but the story or truth itself that it brings a man to the Fear Of The Lord, the Judgment Of God, the Glory Of God, the Revelation Of God and the interpretation leading to man's change, creation or into becoming a perfect and holy being just as it is saying your Father in heaven is holy and perfect, so be ye holy and perfect.
       So then, Apostle Paul said, doth God care for an ox?  The Holy Bible is not about great floods, genealogies, science, biology, philosophy or any other discipline or doctrine!  It is about the witness of the Men Of God in their walk with God and in their walk in the Spirit!  The Holy Bible is about the testimony of men in God’s hand, hence, their faith in HIM! 
       This is the reason why atheism and theism do not really have a connect! Atheists rely on reason and observation but the theists rely on revelation and discernment of spirits! Theism in its real sense is open to all ideas and discern things whether they are of God,  meaning, the real people of God are men who have subjected themselves to the rudiments of this world (laws of this world) and to that of God’s laws and commandments and have differentiated the world, the man being himself as he is, and GOD! 

       Stop entertaining questions on trivial things which do not in any way bring forth things unto edification, and perfecting of the saints, so to speak.

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