Martes, Pebrero 14, 2017


       So much has been cast into the debate on the relationship with God versus religion! All of what the religious people talk about this subject are actually all part of the TRUTH _ THE UNIVERSAL TRUTH which comes alone from the Spirit of Truth and Revelation, the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding and from the Spirit of Knowledge and of the Fear of the Lord, among others.
       While most of the comments we hear today about this subject are quite true: the incorrect and faulty understanding about religion is devilish! To say that God hates religion makes you a man of religion yourself. You should know the scriptures full well that it mentioned of pure and undefiled religion before God!

James 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

       How can people dare discount religion and put the relationship with God as a stand alone? All of the things written in the scriptures must be understood or man will fall into the saying, ye do err not knowing the scriptures nor the power of God.  Don’t you know that God has a relationship with the Devil? God is in a talking terms with Satan.  In fact the devils also believe and tremble! Relationship with God has to be specifically defined for it to be a safe relation for God has also created the wicked for the day of evil! Evil is not without significance in relation to the plan of God in creation.  All continue this this day according to his ordinances for all are His servants.  The faithfulness of God is unto all generations to include the generation of vipers: he loves the unthankful and the evil!

The Wicked Is Reserved Unto Wrath And For The Day Of Evil
Job 21:30    That the wicked is reserved to the day of destruction? they shall be brought forth to the day of wrath.
Luke 6:35 But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil.
God Loves Everyone In The View Point Of Creation: All Is Good
Psalms 119: 90 Thy faithfulness is unto all generations: thou hast established the earth, and it abideth.
Psalms 119:91 They continue this day according to thine ordinances: for all are thy servants.

       Relationship with God has to be well defined! Afterall, one might find himself to be an evil servant of God purposely to purify the holy ones as we see this in the life of Job. Satan was used to purify Job.

       Having said that, the Fear of the Lord and Guilt is the natural effect of the Spirit of Judgment of God which is, by the way, very much a Holy Spirit of God (the Spirit of Judgment and Burning). The Fear to commit sin or to disobey God is the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord and Guilt is the element that should lead man to repentance and turn him back to God for him to be reconciled consequently building back the relationship with God.

       Man must know how the Holy spirit of God works in a man before you talk of religion or whatever relationship with God thing: for the Spirit is against the flesh and the flesh is against the spirit (flesh being the lust, the pride of life, the lust of the eyes, sensitivity and being appetitive). The doctrine in the Spirit which is Godliness teaches no profit in the flesh (material things) so that any teaching which deals on the peace, and joy, and love which is not actually the Fruit of the Spirit of God but of man’s own spirit is not even the true thing. Man can become just like the Hindus and the Buddhists who themselves nurture their own spirits in order to have peace and joy but not by the Spirit of God.

       Know that Man has his own spirit and own freewill and God has His Will and His Spirit which dwells only in a clean vessel which is a vessel for honor and not for dishonor.

       If freedom from fear and guilt is a work of God then it must be rooted in the cleanness of the heart, perfection, and holiness and not for any other else. Man has to have the Spirit of God which is manifested by the Fruits of it and the Gifts of it. If you can weigh the path, the spirit and the actions then you are not very far away from the Truth. I mean if a man has the discerning spirit to be able to try every spirit whether they are of God that man has a lesser chance of being the Antichrist himself.  Surely, he who has an evil or profane spirit inside him is definitely bound to fight against God the Spirit.

       The problem with the discourse on God hates religion, is that its object is still on man and not on  God in serving Him which is the very reason why man needs to be holy and perfect as commanded be ye holy and be ye perfect. Anyone who is not perfect cannot serve God. 

       Where is now the gospel on the cross? Where is now the suffering in well-doing? Where is now the Fear of the Lord?  How can a man be perfected without the Fear of the Lord? Remember, Jesus was made perfect in sufferings and in another place of the scriptures it says holiness is made perfect in the fear of the Lord.

       Anyone who claims to be in relationship with Jesus who will find perfection and holiness to be an impossible stuff is making God weak and powerless so that He cannot make a man perfect and holy. Definitely these are the ones denying the power of God but having a form of Godliness.  Are you yet holy? Are you yet perfect? Before you talk of little things talk of the big ticket items of God which is the Spirit for anyone in the flesh can never please God. Be ye filled with the Spirit.

1 John 5:6 This is he that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ; not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth.

       If your concerns are still in the flesh or in your ownselves like to have comfort or to have the feeling of being comforted like having riches and fame and power check whether you are in TRUE RELATIONSHIP with God for the Kingdom of God is not in meats and drinks. 

       The Fear of the Lord and Guilt is never evil when it leads to repentance and holiness. Inversely, freedom or liberty in Christ when used as a cloak of maliciousness is evil! Pray and seek the Spirit of Counsel and Might of God. Be very wary for many are trying to minister the Word but are never the ministers of the Spirit. The true Man of God is both a minister of the Word of God and a minister of the Spirit of God. He has the power and the authority, so to speak. Amen

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