Martes, Pebrero 14, 2017


Most of the great men on this earth are blinded and unfruitful on the spiritual because of the glory they receive from men.  The cunning inventions which they own up to themselves made them renown and earn a name.  Yea, the atheists will say man as a rational being is the one who is the source of the knowledge proliferating on this earth.  God is the vanity of man.

Conversely, most wise men of this earth are also blinded and unfruitful on the spiritual because of the lack of knowledge on the truth and the absence of revelations coming from God.  The Spirit of Truth and Revelation is the sole responsible spirit which helps perfect the knowledge of man on this earth on the spiritual. 

The blind men on this earth, both the great and the wise, do not know that the knowledge they have is coming from the spirit which they have in them.  The spirits that dwell in a man are either the evil spirit, or the own spirit of man (this stays in a man as long as he lives), or the Holy Spirit from God.  These three (3) spirits play the role on what is presently happening on this earth.

The great men are made glorious and given a name because the spirit that dwell in them reveals some form of truth by puffing up some knowledge which the devils have from the very beginning they were created and designed in the heaven.  Falling down from the heavens they have no other recourse but to reinvent the things they see in heaven using the very resource available on earth.  The men who have the evil spirits are the ones who were and are given the knowledge to invent the telephone, the telescope, the camera, the wheel, machines and engines, weapons of war, the incandescent bulb, the microscope, the computer, splice genes, build robots, discover electricity, and discover the physical universe.  The knowledge proliferating on this earth is, by and large, devilish which deny God. 

The wise men are also made glorious and given a name on this earth being given part of the knowledge and wisdom and understanding of God which makes them greater and differ one from the other in light or brightness. 
The Philosophers have the light whose brightness comes from the spirit of man.  These reveals and teach knowledge which seeks to find the truth and the good.   These philosophers either corroborate or impugn another philosopher’s because of another knowledge which puff up on them.   

The great evangelists and spiritual rulers also have their light either coming the devils or the holy angels.  All of the wisdom, knowledge and understanding, however, as revealed to these wise men, are all unclean in the eyes of God and never pure.  The reason is these are revealed to them or given to them: and anything revealed to men coming from God are become of men and not God’s, hence, man must be very wary that whatsoever he is doing, saying, or thinking out of the things he receive from God must be subjected to the purpose, will, intent, time, judgment and counsel of God or it will be all self-righteousness and not Godly.   
Deuteronomy 29: 29 The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.

So it must be clear that for a man to be able to fulfil what is written, as what Jesus Christ did, was to hear what the Father has revealed to him.  It should make us understand that for a man to be pure and clean the secrets and mysteries need to be revealed to us for our testimony and perfection and purification.

Know that the Scribes, the Pharisees, and the Sadducees and the other sects in the time of Jesus were all the time wrong because of what is known to them which are written words available in the scriptures, then.  The scriptures became a vail to them so that they crucified the very Messiah who gave them the right interpretation of the scriptures.  God has to reveal the secrets and present truth for us to be able to do the words written in the law according to the purpose, will, intent, time, judgment and counsel of God at the present time and not according to the past! 

So whatsoever is known to us is a thing in the past or shall we say the things belonging to us already.  To understand this point allow me to make an example.  When somebody gives you a car and you receive it: it is to be understood that consequently the car belongs to you and you have the disposition over it.  The giver have no more disposition on how to use that car.  Even so, the things given to us by God is solely for our own disposition.  To impute to God the things we say or do as the will of God, or workings of God or the thoughts of God after that we use what was given to us is not sane and sound mind.

What is known and given to us is not already of God but ours solely so to impute or ascribe the things we say or do as God’s is totally unfair to God.  We are actually using the knowledge we have received from God, just as the example car, we are using the car given to us and if you crash that car into a tree it would be unfair to say that the one who gave you that car is the one causing you to crash that car.

Therefore, having this powerful knowledge it must be understood that for us to have the Word of God it has to be faith which comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Faith comes not by reading the word.  What we get by reading is the righteousness of the law and not of faith. 

God is alive and He is talking to the ones who are clean in the heart and mind and is seeking Him with all their heart, with all their soul, with all their mind, and with all their might.  He gives to them who ask Him and opens the door to them that knock.  The things known to man today is not the present truth.  Therefore, what we need is the command from God which he will declare as right and not what we know is right as we cull it from the word of God in the Holy Scriptures.

The only recorded pure and clean things in the eyes of God as written in the scriptures are the commandments of the Lord, the words of the Lord, and the Fear of the Lord.  As Godly people, peculiar and royal priests we to go for what is pure and clean.

Therefore, anyone who is claiming that his word is clean and pure no matter how wise he may sound or how pure he may appear: all these are liars and haughty impostors.  For it is written, man at his best estate is altogether vanity.  Man of high degree and the man of low degree when joined together are all together lighter than vanities.  It is also written that there is no just man upon the earth that doeth good and sinneth not.  Furthermore, it is written Jesus, saying, that there is only one that is Good that is the Father.

Who is now wise except God? Who are these evangelists, wise men and Philosophers that display not fruit of the spirit, the gift of the spirit and the Holy Ghost? Know that the Holy Ghost is different from the holy spirit.  Jesus Christ at his coming is the only one who can baptize people with the Holy Ghost and Fire.  He is the only one who can give or minister the Spirit of God.  Know also that man has his own spirit and by it he can profess his own holiness and fruits which are never perfect. 

My point here is that everything we have inside us already is our own and not God though we know God possesses all things.  So our Own Will the Freewill is what we have in us at our own disposition based on the things that we know are good and righteous.  The Will of God is, on the other hand, not of ourselves but by the revelation and prophecies coming from the mouth of the Lord.  The Words written in the scriptures are only confirmatory to his ministry here on earth _ they testify of him: for he will come in the volume of book which is written of him.  Anyone who will contest that God is a Spirit and is present anytime to the One whom he will send to his people is an antichrist.        His coming is replete with Godliness and power.  He who will deny his power is condemned already.   Those who will not know the scriptures and the power of God is doomed.

2 Timothy 3:5      Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

In conclusion, anything that comes from man is by his own will or freewill and not of God’s Will.  God’s Will is only manifest in the commands that He will declare as right and not the things written already.  The things written are for our learning, for doctrine, for correction, for reproof, and for instruction that we may be able to do what is expected of us which is to be Good doing good works.  Good are manifest unto them who hear the command and obey and not on the things we know are good and are written in the scriptures for it will only be a righteousness which is of the Law and not of Faith.  Therefore, own will is from what is inside us and the Will Of God is what is commanded unto us or revealed to us by God.  

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