Huwebes, Hunyo 16, 2016


    The issues laid on by the atheists on the existence of God using their scientific and materialistic approach is gravely preposterous because the Laws of the Spirit is never the same as the laws of nature and of man.  

Hebrews 11:3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

    Many would agree with me including the atheists that there are an infinite number of laws that exists in the universe.  Some are known and some are yet to be discovered.  What science cannot explain, as of yet,  are loaded in what they call as the natural law.  Spontaneity, for example, is attributed to the law of nature like a proton appearing and disappearing at any instance.

    Obviously, the conclusions made by science is mainly based on their observation on the things that they see. Mostly, however, are insights or constructs that are built and rebuilt over time.  Depending on the observation that they get the hypotheses that they set are either confirmed or denied.  Leonardo Da Vinci's idea of a man flying came to reality only after 400 years.  A proof of an insight coming to life.  

    Note, however, that science is based on material evidences and so they use reason and logical thinking.  

    Pathetically, however, the world renown atheists like Richard Dawkins and Stephen Hawking are trying to pry into the domain of the spirit of which they have little or no knowledge nor have the understanding on it. 

    Similarly, the religious contenders of the faith, who do not actually have the faith,  are trying to pry into the material things or scientific findings which they are obviously handicapped and equally ignorant of.  These two protagonists deny the same along the process of trying to disprove and prove that God is existing.  The funny thing here is that even the religious people are unwittingly toeing in with the atheist's line of argument for lack of proof in the spiritual in their lives.  They have shown more weakness than strength.

    The truth, however, is that the flesh is against the spirit and the spirit is against the flesh.  The laws of the spirit is never the  law of the nature.  These two can never join together.  Also, God who created all things (this is hard to comprehend) is outside of his creation making it more acceptable that there are many things that are not yet in our known universe.  

    The message here is that science can never explain miracles and the spiritual experiences, and the manner of God, the Spirit of God, and the mind of God for lack of exposure or for not living the life of the holy and the perfect.  Note, that there is no one perfect and holy today among those who contend for the existence of  God or shall we say, they who claim they are the champions of faith.

2 Chronicles 15:3 Now for a long season Israel had been without the true God, and without a teaching priest, and without law.

    This is the very reason why religion as a whole is being persecuted in the world of science.  Their god is not the true God.  Know that the knowledge in science is part of a universal set of God's intelligence involving his many, many, creations of which many remains a mystery to all of us until today.  There are many questions to answer and many things yet to be seen and yet to explain.

    It must be clear that the knowledge of man in science is greatly different from the knowledge which is of the Spirit. The Spirit is not a matter.  The Spirit is not a space.  The Spirit is not the energy.  The Spirit is the Word that has its purpose, will, intent, time, and judgment. 

    And so, I find it amusing, and at the same time ridiculous,  to see a starving priest in the knowledge of the holy and an atheist who do not believe in God to debate over the existence of a God! 

    It is even more appallingly foolish to see a man of religion running short of reasons and contained by an atheist in a debate. Reason is the domain of an atheists and materialists.  Revelation is the domain of God.  

    It is only clear and natural that such result, like confusion among their hearers, is likely and inevitable to be seen. The residue in their debates will always gender more questions and confusion rather than establish a man in understanding because the religious man who is void of the knowledge on the natural law or quantum mechanics is sure to falter.  He is dipping his finger into an area which is not his domain or his weak side of the brain, so to speak.  

    It is, therefore, sure and expected that such man, no matter how religious he is, will finally be lambasted by an atheist.   This happens because religion which is the link to the existence of God do not operate in reason nor is triggered by material evidences but by the revelation which comes alone from the spirit.  In short it is by faith and hope.   

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

    Revelation sits well in the things hoped for and in faith and never on the things observed and seen by men.  Revelation sits well in the discerning of the spirits.  This is the reason why it is disturbing to see and hear two people quarreling over an issue which neither of them understood nor have seen.   

    Fools they are; for when that which is perfect is come then that which is in part shall be done away.

1 Corinthians 13:9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.  

    The men of God do not have the tradition to contending with men knowing that there is no point for discussion as the world will not receive God much less the revelations.  I mean, God would not meddle into the things he created until it crosses across his will, and intent, and purpose, and time, and judgment, and counsel.   Yea, the sons of God are told not to love the world neither the things that are in the world.  Further, they are told not to entangle themselves with the affairs of this world.  The kingdom of God is not of this world.  

    The obvious folly and irony, today, is actually between an atheist and the man of religion who both try to discredit God because of their lack of knowledge while they debate on the existence of God.  Does not man discredit God when he would try to misrepresent Him? Surely, do.

2 Timothy 3:7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 
1 Corinthians 14:22 Wherefore tongues are for a sign, not to them that believe, but to them that believe not: but prophesying serveth not for them that believe not, but for them which believe.

    Therefore, I adjure you not to fall into the snares of the devil for the devil himself is the man in the flesh having not the spirit of God in him.

    I have the revelation to believe, not reason to believe,  that the people in the world are filled with either the profane spirit or the holy spirit.  This is because of the intelligence that they have.  Their knowledge and wisdom is either heavenly or devilish.

    They are the devils who fell from heaven after their rebellion against God which was led by Lucifer. They possess the same wit and subtilty, and wisdom, and intelligence as they had of old. They made man to be their dwelling place.  

    Biblically,  the devils asked Jesus to enter into an herd of swine and in another instance these devils possessed a man at Gadarenes who lived in the tombs being called legion.   This is the reason why human beings began to be so called as Homo sapiens.  To them who are possessed with many devils they become confused and disorderly for the devil is a god of confusion.          

    So the advent of a devil dwelling inside a man is the beginning of man's ability to think and reason _  the injection of the intelligence into man, so to speak.  Now, I know there will be some great reaction to this revelation but again, I say, I do not expect atheists to believe in this.    

    Finally, there is no point to discuss things concerning God when the people you are talking with are non-believers.  If one man were only exposed as to how the psychological operation in warfare works, then, he should have understood a bit of why and how God is being discredited by the natural and carnal men of today.  The natural man is the atheist and the carnal man is the religious hypocrite.

    The atheists will never accept angels and spirits simply because they have never seen one and have not experienced encountering such in their lives.  Firstly, the things of the spirit is spiritually discerned, and so, naturally, they can never prove nor believe the existence of God who is a Spirit.

    The atheists are the modern day Sadducees who do not believe in angels and spirits and the resurrection.  They are the exact manifestation of this prophecy in the scriptures.

    Know that the word of God which are written in the scriptures carry a lot of spirits in it and one of them is the spirit of prophecy and interpretation.  He who has an ear let him hear.   

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