Martes, Hunyo 21, 2016


    Rapture is the word that drives many among the Christian world crazy and fanatic.  They think that they will be like Enoch, Elijah or Jesus Christ who will go straight up to the heaven caught up in the clouds or chariots of fire.

    In fact many have fallen from their faiths already into becoming an atheist because their leaders are promising such an epoch. Rapture is an idea which is imperfectly formulated and understood by men as they read it from the scriptures.  

    I do not discount the literal possibility of a man being translated into the heavens as the books in the bible would relate to but everyone must understand in the spirit of truth and revelation alone when it comes to dealing with faith.  The word has to come from the man with the Spirit of God.

    Therefore, it should be clear and obvious at this moment whether who among the present preachers is the true servant of God.  I would say, there is hardly anyone among them. 

    Moving on, rapture is a word hardly understood by any bible scholar or religious luminaries today.  They literally took it upon themselves from the scriptures without even investigating how Enoch, Elijah and Jesus were translated into heaven.   

    First, these three beings were walking with God (Jesus being the Son of God)  while on earth, or should I say, were made perfect and have lived a holy life.  It is therefore unconscionable to conclude that any among the bible scholars, preachers, and their  believers will ever be translated into heaven without being made holy and perfect.  

    They are neither teaching the doctrine of Godliness at all, nor the everlasting gospel, nor are ministers of the Spirit so as to make their believers acceptable to God as an offering. Worse, they do not have the Spirit of God in them.  

    Anyone, who attempts to preach the word of God without the Spirit dwelling in him is the devil himself.  How can he make any of his minions become holy and perfect being the devil? 

    Lo and behold, for lack of knowledge of the Holy these people can never ever cast out the devils living inside them which is further manifested by the absence of the fruit of the Spirit. 

    It is hard for an ordinary Christian to discern these devils for they appear Godly. The twist and the indicator, however, is that they deny the power which makes a man holy and perfect.

    These people are proud and are easily filled with envy.  They work a work which is for their own bellies.  They are hirelings and hypocrites void of understanding the wisdom of God.  

    Having said that, let me explain the spiritual perspective of holiness and perfection before we will even go into explaining the possibility of a man being translated into the heavens.

   Know that not all of the men of God were translated though they have the Spirit in them.  See for example the prophet Elisha who was the minister of Elijah.  One can glean from the story between Elijah and Elisha where Elijah offered Elisha to ask anything he wants done before he leaves somewhere else.  Elisha quipped saying, I want a double portion of your spirit.  

    Now, Elisha had the double of Elijah's spirit but what happened to him next? Well, he died on earth with a disease and was never translated to heaven despite the double portion of Elijah's spirit. Elijah was taken by the chariots of fire into heaven but Elisha was not.

    How, then can these nincompoops know and say that there will be a rapture of the unclean, and the defiled, and corrupt people?  Behold, this is totally insane because they are making people to believe a lie and a strong delusion.  

    What they are telling is just to accept the name of Jesus and then you will be saved.  Yea, receiving the name of Jesus is already your ticket to that rapture ride.  This is a perversion of the everlasting gospel and of the spirit of truth.

    Rapture would rather surely happen in the spiritual understanding in the sense that if a man becomes a new creature all things are become new and the old things are gone.  Yea, once a man goes through the process of living a life testimony which is that of Jesus' then this is one step closer to that change which is having a new heart and a new spirit. 

    Hearing the word of God daily and doing it will effect that much needed change.  For, for then, faith will come by hearing and hearing by the word of God.  The word of God is never the one that we read in the scriptures but by the voice of the man of God whom God would have washed, sanctified, justified and glorified, which is to say, have made himself a living sacrifice to God without blame, without blemish, without spot and without wrinkle.

    This man of God is separate from the world and is holy in all his works.  His ways are judgment to correct man from his crooked path and for a man to amend his ways towards the will, intent, purpose, and time of God.

    Now, we cannot discount the power of God on rapture but to say that he will consent and condone evil men for that ride to heaven is just simply ridiculous as the whole scriptures, both the old and the new testaments, are even warning everyone concerning those people who cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven like the idolaters, the thieves, the liars, the filthy communicators, the vain babblers, the evil thinkers or men of evil imagination in their hearts, the lascivious, the seducers, the lovers of filthy lucre, the blasphemers, the fearful, the unbelieveing, the abominable, the murderers, the whoremongers, and the sorcerers, among many others.

    As a matter of fact, you will know them by their fruits!                  
    Beware, for many among these teachers are seducers and are teaching for doctrine the commandments of men. The word of God in the scriptures becomes the commandments of men when the man using it has not the Spirit of God in him. 

    This was the very reason why Jesus and Paul were both charged with heresy.  It seemed that Jesus was changing the laws of Moses in many ways just like Paul was to the apostles of Jesus, in the law of circumcision: James; John; and Peter, at the first.

   This happened also in the old testament in so many instances and in a repeated manner.  The law of the Nazarites were broken by Jeremiah, or, so it seemed. The brasen serpent made by Moses himself by breaking the very law of God on the graven and molten images.  Jesus, by breaking the law of the prophets saying that there shall be no Canaanite in the house of God with Simon being one of his disciples.  King Hezekiah, by breaking to pieces the brasen serpent of Moses in his time. Yea, and there are many more changing of the law thing even as his name was also changed from Jehovah to Jesus.  

    In the spirit of wisdom and understanding let it be known that God can change the laws which he himself made.  This is why anyone can actually know if a man is of God and this is if he changes the laws and yet the result is his children are filled with the wisdom and understanding and are made holy and perfect out of it.

    Perfection is not attained if a man will not have the spirit of fear of the Lord for holiness is perfected in the fear of the Lord.  So we see Job a perfect and just man who feared God and eschewed evil. 

    Where is the wisdom of this world on the scriptures? Why lie on the people that the God of the old testament is different from the God of the New Testament? Do not the scriptures say, God is the same yesterday, today, and for ever: God does not change?    How the hell did they change the truth into a lie? 

    God judged of old by uprooting nations out of their land of habitation and killed its own people  like Achan, Dathan, Abiram, Koreh and changed Nebuchadnezzar into a beast because of sin.  This same feat also happened to Ananias and Sapphira, to Elymass the sorcerer, to Hymenaeus and Alexander, and to Herod who was made like the beast in the new testament. 

    Obviously, by the lack of knowledge on the scriptures and on the power of God can they tell people that they are in the truth?  Would they say, as if they have a sure prophecy, that the rapture they are spreading is the truth?  

   To toe in to their line of thinking, rapture will only surely happen once a man is changed into a new man body, soul, and spirit.  This is the sure prophecy: that man will come into the light out of darkness if he continues to hear the word of God and do good according to the will of God.  

    Why disregard the truth that man will have to workout his own salvation with fear and trembling and replace it with an innocuous doctrine which will never change someone into a new man?  Additionally, know that change will only come forth once there is fear.

Psalms 55:19 God shall hear, and afflict them, even he that abideth of old. Selah. Because they have no changes, therefore they fear not God.   

    I have yet so many things to tell but you surely you will not be able to bear it once it is revealed.  Suffice it, therefore, for now that you may have time to meditate on these things. 
    There is a true church which is now purifying and sanctifying its members for the Spirit of God to come and for to dwell in them.  This church is teaching the ways of God in holiness and perfection.  To look for this church try the spirits in a church whether they are of God for every believer is fairly warned that there will be many false prophets and false teachers in the last days.  Beware!



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