Miyerkules, Hunyo 15, 2016


    Several Christian writers have published about their faith but all of them never talked about the faith of Jesus Christ.  This issue is very important to touch because man will never come to the truth if he were only to talk of his own faith in God and not the faith of Jesus Christ.  

    One's own faith could lead you into believing another god for it is clear that no man can ever know the things of God except the Spirit of God alone.  Even so, the things of man can no man know except his own spirit.  Simply put, using your own spirit will never lead you to the truth.

    Firstly, faith comes by hearing the word of God and not by reading the word of God.  It must be clear, therefore, that unless God will come down man will never be able to come to the knowledge of truth.  The meaning of God coming down in the form of flesh is in the same manner as when Jesus was born in the flesh through his mother Mary, and then filled with the Spirit (when he was baptized by John the baptist at the Jordan river), and then manifest and sent into the World to preach the good tidings of the gospel of peace, and finally, glorified in the name of God.

John 1:32  And John bare record, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him.

    By the faith of Jesus Christ are we made whole and not just the simple faith in God.  This is the reason why many among the Christian denominations unwittingly become the very enemies of Christ.  They fail to see, perceive, and understand the very testimony of Jesus Christ on his faith toward God the Father.  The story on how the Spirit dwell in Jesus is the story of how God came down in the flesh or shall we simply, say, manifested in the flesh.      

    That same Spirit spake and moved and inspired Jesus to do the will of God making himself the God and at the same time the Son of man.  As Jesus fully obeyed his father even unto the death on the cross he showed to all men the way to the resurrection of the dead; it behooves upon men to listen to him, to learn from him, and to see in him the manner of the spirit in him.  This is the reason why he said, I am the way, the truth, and the life.  

    He is the way because no man is able to come to God or make his own way towards God by using his own mind, his own purpose, his own will, his own intent, his own judgment, his own wisdom and his own understanding.  The works that Jesus did was the way itself.  All that a man will have to do is purge his own self from dead works and allow God to dwell in him.  

    Man has to become a ready vessel for the Spirit of God to abide.

    He is the truth because he bares witness of God alone and God sent him and manifested Himself in him.  The words that he spake were not of his own but of the Father who sent him.  

    Know that the words written in the scriptures is Truth

Ecclesiastes 12:10 The preacher sought to find out acceptable words: and that which was written was upright, even words of truth. 

    However, know also that the words spoken then by Jesus which were not yet written in the scriptures  are also the truth.  An example is like the word Holy Ghost.  HOLY GHOST is a word alien to both the old and the new testament people; who heard him at that time for such was not yet revealed until Jesus.   

    In fact, the truth is also the voice of the Lord which makes us understand that all of the words which Jesus spake unto his disciples, then,  were all truth and there was no lie in it.  

Isaiah 25:1  O LORD, thou art my God; I will exalt thee, I 
will praise thy name; for thou hast done wonderful things; thy counsels of old are faithfulness and truth.

    Now, the words written and the words spoken of old are all truth so that the word of John saying, He shall guide us in all truth; and in another time David also, saying, teach me in the way of thy commandments is the right attitude in dealing with the truth. Yea, even the words spoken by the prophets are truth.

John 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.  

Jeremiah 42:20 For ye dissembled in your hearts, when ye sent me unto the LORD your God, saying, Pray for us unto the LORD our God; and according unto all that the LORD our God shall say, so declare unto us, and we will do it.

    He is the life because the Spirit is in him and he alone can give that spirit unto men even the Holy Ghost which he will pray for the Father.

    Knowing all these, who can now claim that he has the power? The power is in the giving of the spirit unto men and the casting out of the devils from within a man to become a new creature. The power is the destruction of the enmity of the flesh and spirit making one the twain into one new man.  

    The point here is that God wanted man to mortify the works of the flesh and the lust of the flesh so that he as a new man will no longer live in the flesh.  Being dead to the works of the flesh he then will begin to work the work of God in the Spirit. By this, man becomes one new man and his flesh is reconciled with the spirit.

    As long as man is unclean he is not a ready vessel fit for the use of God so that by their fruits you shall know them.  

    God created man to be his vinedresser at the garden of Eden.  God created man to be the steward of his creation and his mysteries: blessing them to be fruitful, and to multiply, and to replenish, and to subdue, and to have dominion over all his creation.  In short, man was created by God to serve him.  

    Now service to God is to be without blame, blemish , spot, or wrinkle.  Man has got to be holy and perfect to be acceptable to him and to be fit for the service. If any man were not fit then he cannot even come near to God for God is a jealous God and is a Holy God.  He will not forgive the sins of a man.  The God that forgives the sins of man is the God that is come in the flesh or the God that is manifested in the flesh.  This is actually the wisdom why God came down in a form of a man and it is for him to know what is in a man.

    God in the Spirit says this, God is not a man that he should lie neither the son of man that he should repent. God who is come in the flesh says this, My spirit shall not always strive with men for that he also is flesh yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.  What I am saying is that if God were not to come down in the flesh then we are all doomed to death and destruction.

    So then comes the truth on the judgment of God unto his people in order to correct them for it is written, he that have suffered in the flesh have ceased from committing sin.  

    Purging, in the perspective of God through judgment is his style of lovingkindness unto a man for no man can enter into the kingdom of God being filled with lust, and uncleanness, and fruits of the flesh; for the kingdom of God is not of this world.  

   Judgment, when joined with the spirit of counsel and might, is the spirit that comes from God to help a man know his error or the things that displeases God in order for a man to stop from repeating to commit the same mistake.  

    Additionally, the Spirit of Judgment goes well along with the Spirit of Counsel and Might, and the Spirit of Power to declare unto a man his secret faults. 

    Herein is the world blinded because they do not have the open eyes of understanding on the scriptures.  The world failed to recognize that God did not change at all.  As an example let us go into the Spirit of Judgment of God.   In the Old Testament it is revealed that God is angry with the wicked everyday.  Yea, he destroyed nations and peoples for being abominable in his sight so that he sent Israel by Moses and Joshua to destroy these nations which we know was the promise land.  

    To introspect into the days and lives of the people of Israel God destroyed Dathan, Abiram, and Koreh and the 250 princes who offered strange fire.  He also moved Phinehas the son of the priest Eleazar to kill both Zimri and Cozbi for bringing in the spirit of whoredom into the congregation that resulted to the killing of tens of thousands in Israel.  God also killed Hophni and Phinehas the sons of the priest Eli being evil.  There are many examples of God's severity to his people in the old testament as there are in the New Testament.  

    In the New Testament, God killed Ananias and Sapphira for cheating God.  He also turned king Herod into a beast just as he did to Nebuchadnezzar at Babylon.  He blinded Elymas the sorcerer and gave some to the devil to destroy their flesh that the spirit may be saved.  He also gave Hymenaeus and Alexander unto Satan, that they may not learn to blaspheme.  Eutychus fell from the third loft for sleeping during the exhortation of Paul.  All these are the acts of God in the Spirit while he dwelt in the different personalities in the New Testament.

   Where then is wisdom among the wise men of this world?Why would they change the very image of God who is Holy and Just?  It is, therefore, of no great wonder why many believers are gone astray from the truth.

   One should not, therefore, be surprise when the same things happen today as in the Old and the New Testament days.     

    In the Book of the Judges chapter 2, it related stories of Israel who, when their judges die, would begin to backslide from their faith and God would send to them saviours.      

Nehemiah 9:27 Therefore thou deliveredst them into the hand of their enemies, who vexed them: and in the time of their trouble, when they cried unto thee, thou heardest them from heaven; and according to thy manifold mercies thou gavest them saviours, who saved them out of the hand of their enemies.

    Going back, we can see the reason why God came down and dwell in the flesh;  also, we can see the reason why man has got to be clean and perfect and holy.  All these are in the name of serving God who created all things and is the possessor of heaven and earth.

   Do not make a mistake in your minds for the coming of God is the purging of our consciences from dead words for to serve the living God.  His servants we are if we are made holy and perfect. His sons we are if we receive the spirit of the Son of God.  

    So the third testament is the ministration of the Spirit and of words for the letter alone kills but the spirit gives life.  The main problem of the whole world today is how to discern the spirit for the warfare of the devil is mainly on deception so that many will be deceived even the very elect.  The others who are disobedient is going to be given a strong delusion that they should believe a lie.  

    This is the spiritual law, among others:  fear God for he is holy and righteous; what a man sow that he shall reap; and  God is good and every man is evil so humble and pray and seek his face and turn from your wicked ways that God may hear from heaven and forgive your sin and heal all your sicknesses.   

    Hear, therefore, the conclusion that God made man to serve Him but man chose evil not willing to mortify his flesh but to serve his diverse lust and pleasures.           


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