Sabado, Hunyo 25, 2016


    Many people have erred for not knowing the scriptures nor the power of God.  Eclectic reasoning, envy, and lusts have divided and separated the very church of Jesus Christ from among the Christians or so they call themselves to be.  This feat is far different from the denominations that existed before time.  The ancient church which was ministered by the spiritual men have had sects by virtue of Gods laws which their parents were commanded to obey. The Nazarites for example are different from the Rechabites.  The faith of their fathers have defined their very belief on the same one God.  

    Divided they were perhaps, then, but the Spirit spake to them on who is suppose to be reckoned as the bearer of the truth  as God would reveal to and direct them.  The division in the church is seen at the early ministries of Jesus and John the Baptist.  John the baptist was to reveal the coming of the Messiah Jesus but his doubt keep him and his disciples at bay to come in unity.  Two of John's disciples joined Jesus when they heard John saying that he saw the Spirit of God descending upon Jesus after the baptism at Jordan river.

John 1:40 One of the two which heard John speak, and followed him, was Andrew, Simon Peter's brother.

    The latter part of the story reveals that John the baptist doubted on Jesus whether he was really the Messiah.  Hence, the division between the church of John the church of Jesus Christ.

Matthew 11:2 Now when John had heard in the prison the works of Christ, he sent two of his disciples,
Matthew 11:3 And said unto him, art thou he that should come, or do we look for another?

    Today, however, denominations emerge because of the increase in knowledge which is not according to the Spirit of Truth. This makes things obvious to discern that the causes of the schisms in the church of Jesus Christ are because of doubt, envy, and love for money, to say the least.

    In fact, many among these churches are filled with priests, pastors, and teachers whose desire is to be known among their parishioners.  They are the modern Diotrephes.

3 John 1:9 I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the pre-eminence among them, receiveth us not.

    Their fruits reveal their very nature of administration.  How can these people minister the spirit having not the Spirit?  Truly, I say beware of men like them.  Seek the true God.  These men do know the Word of God by readings on the Holy Bible and have professed to be ministers of God.  Truly, these men are only ministers of the word but never ministers of the Spirit.  These are perceived by people to be wise men but in Spirit they are far less than carnal and as natural brute beasts!     

    Now, the scriptures are written by holy men of God by the inspiration of God being moved by the Holy Ghost  and its main purpose is to make the Man of God perfect throughly furnished unto all good works.  The scripture is good for to correct men, for to reprove, and for to instruct men in righteousness.

    Today, the denominati0ns are using the scriptures as a source of profit and to display their devilish wisdom.  All these are happening because of the profane and evil spirit that dwells in them.  The devil is in their hearts and reins. It is note worthy that the devil is the god of confusion and not of order.  This is the reason why a great many divides have flourished.  The effect of this is creating many skeptics, atheists, and agnostics than believers of God.  

    So the scriptures is for the witness of the new man whose testimony is according to the prophecies written therein.  It is about the change of a man who becomes a vessel sanctified and justified by the spirit fit for the use of God in serving him.

    This is the reason why the fruit of the spirit is so defined and the fruit of the flesh so explicitly exposed.  Man has to change and cleanse himself from the filthiness of flesh and spirit in order to reconcile himself with God to effectively and acceptably serve him.

    The cleanness of heart and mind and to stay without spot and without blemish from this world is a requisite to perfection so that, at this stage of spiritual life, man will become a ready living sacrifice toward serving God.  But no one is teaching perfection for they would say perfection is impossible to attain. How would they teach it when the parameters and criteria for perfection is not known to them?  

    Behold, the scriptures say that its parameters for  perfection are, among many others:  the spirit; the way; the actions; the fruit; the integrity; and the paths.  

Isaiah 26:7 The way of the just is uprightness: thou, most upright, dost weigh the path of the just.
Proverbs 16:2 All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but the LORD weigheth the spirits. 
Job 31:6 Let me be weighed in an even balance, that God may know mine integrity.
1 Samuel 2:3 Talk no more so exceeding proudly; let not arrogancy come out of your mouth: for the LORD is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed.

    It must be clear now that the reason why the scriptures are not clearly understood by these hypocrites, I mean, the different denominations, is because they do not have the spirit.  The mysteries are to be revealed and declared by the servant of God for men to be perfect.  

    The scriptures are to be spiritually interpreted and exercised by walking in the spirit and by living according to what is written as the way, the truth, and the life in reference to the commands which is being declared by the Man of God. 

   Reading the scriptures, as we are commanded, require that a man must be clean body, soul, and spirit.  Receiving and believing in the name is of course a necessity for how could a man grow in the spirit if he would believe at nothing or no one?

    However, it should be borne in mind that the name, in the later part of the growth while being in the Spirit, will tell you that it will only be effective once a man has that spirit dwelling in him.  It is no longer the name that matters but the Spirit.

    Now, do not make a mistake.  This is not to discredit the name of God for again, there is the purpose, the will, the intent, the time, and the judgment of God which divides all of the works which are done under the sun.  Meaning, if the will of God is to glorify his name then by all means live by it and use his name in all that you say, do, or think.

    So when anyone would like to understand the scripture, first of all, pray that God may give you the quickening spirit, the spirit of faith, and the spirit of wisdom and understanding.  Make sure to have a clean heart and mind for he promised to give us the holy spirit if we ask it, yet, only with the clean heart and mind.    
    One will never need a teacher in the flesh and blood to learn and understand the scriptures for God the Spirit is the best teacher and not man.  Now, it will not mean that the Man of God is useless for the best teacher is the Spirit.  Know that the Man of God has the Spirit of God, therefore, it will be logical that a man can surely seek the Truth from the Man of God.  Honestly, anyone who has no one to guide him in the spiritual being far from the Man of God is never hopeless for God, again, is a Spirit.  

    To prove this claim, the biblical experience of  Paul tells us that he conferred not with flesh and blood in order to get his commission as an apostle of God.  The Spirit is everywhere and the man with the clean heart and mind can easily access Him. 

    Truly, there is no fix pattern for the salvation of man but the Spirit, the fruit of the Spirit, the gift of the Spirit are there to witness for the hope which a man will have in the faith.      

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